
Creative literati of the Lonely Yogs, I call out a challenge to us all, let us spend November writing.

What is it?

NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month, originally a full on novel writing challenge...or more accurately I should say it still is, but I don't find the goal has to be writing a novel.

The challenge I set stands at this:

  • 50,000 words through the month of November, or just writing every day of the month, even if it's just a few hundred
  • Post weekly updates (if you're comfortable) for live edits and suggestions
  • Have fun

I love words. Reading them, writing them...comprehending them on some rare occasions. I'm constantly trying to think of ways to get myself closer to words in some form, and I would especially love to see what any of you all wonderful people create. If you're interested, slide into my DMs or post in #creative in the Lonely Yogs Discord.